Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Is It Free to Join Fan-Topia?

Yes! It absolutely is. Joining the platform will always be free, however you may need to subscribe to certain users to see their content.

How do I Join?

Pop to the Fan-Topia home page, and you can register from the top. Super easy!

Do I Need to be Verified?

In order to comply with legal requirements, if you are a creator, yes you do need to have your account verified. You will not be able to withdraw funds until this is completed. This is a manual process - not automatic. So it really does have to be you!

What are “Credit Card Fees”?

For every site, every transaction, there are credit card fees. These are what third parties charge us to be able to take funds. Due to our high payout, you can add credit card fees into your subscription, or you can cover them yourself (the amount is in your profile).

How Often Can I Be Paid Out?

As often as you like. It can either be held on the site if you’re worried about spending, or each time you reach the threshold you can withdraw. It’s up to you.

What Content Can I Post?

Anything you like – as long as it is legal. Check your local laws as to what is acceptable. We want this to be a fun, expressive platform – but nothing with illegal content.

Do You Provide Marketing Collateral?

Sure do! If you want images or branding, or if you are using us as your exclusive platform, we can absolutely work with you to get something made up.

What Do I Do If I Receive Abuse?

Firstly, block them immediately. Then email us at and let us know their username and the issue you have had. We will investigate and take appropriate action, as much as reporting them to local authorities or even beginning legal proceedings. Our users safety is paramount to us.

Can I Promote My Other Profiles?

Facebook, Instagram, Twitter etc. yes. Any “competing” platform – no. We are trying to work the best we can for our creators, so having creators send users to other sites is a bit painful to see – plus chances are they are being sent to sites which take more of your money!

Do You Offer PTV (Pay to View)?

Of course – and we offer it in a pretty awesome way. You can set these posts to “public” or to “Fans” – which means if you set it to public, anyone could buy them, they don’t have to be subscribed – meaning fans can pop in and buy a clip if they are worried about being subscribed or want a one off.

Will You Help Me to Promote?

Absolutely! We offer free Instagram and Twitter shout outs for any of our any creators. Please note, you do need to have us in your bio as main link – otherwise we are shouting out another platform that doesn’t pay you as much.

Do You Have a Referral Program?

Yes we do. You can find this link under “Referrals” on your profile.

Do You Have an Ambassador Program?

We do. We offer differing levels for this to increase your earnings from 92.5% to 95% and even 100%. Please reach out to us on site or via email to find out more.

I Haven’t Heard of You, Are You a Scam?

No, we aren’t. We are an honest business registered in the UK with our founding company in New Zealand. It’s a tough market out there to build a brand name in when up against stiff competition – but don’t worry, we are working hard to get our name out there.

Can I Post Other Ways to Get Paid?

No you can’t. This goes against our terms. We have the website development, staff to pay and hosting fees to pay. We already pay as much as possible, so to have this process skirted isn’t allowed.

Can I have a Free Page?

Yes you can, but we don’t recommend this.

What is the Minimum and Maximum Subscription Amount?

Minimum is $3 and maximum is $50 per month.

Do You Allow Tips?

We sure do! It’s a great way to make extra money.

How Many Fans/Subscribers Does Fan-Topia Have?

We have a huge amount – but this shouldn’t matter. The fans we currently have on site are here due to other creators. Your fans will follow you to wherever you go and subscribe to you. Most of the time creators are found on Instagram, Twitter or Reddit – not from a search function.

Why Can’t I Top Up?

Our payment processor runs as many checks as they can to make sure people aren’t using stolen or fraudulent cards so they have a few things that can trigger a warning in their system; using a VPN, using an adblocker or using an “anonymous“ style email like protonmail. We also use 3D Secure to prevent as many charge backs as possible.

I Filed a Chargeback and Now I Can’t Log In?

Correct. We do not tolerate chargebacks – this constitutes theft as you will have gained access behind the subscription module then forced your funds back.

Are Subscriptions Monthly?

Yes they are. When you subscribe to a user you will pay a monthly fee to stay subscribed to that creator until you cancel it.

Do You Hold My Credit Card Information?

No we don’t. We use a third party processor which specializes in credit card security – we never see or hold your details.

How Can I Unsubscribe?

Visit the creators page that you wish to unsubscribe and click “Unsubscribe”. Your subscription will run through until the end of the subscription period. Alternatively you can visit “Subscribed To” in the side menu and unsubscribe here.

How Much Do You Pay Out?

We payout 75%.

Do You Accept Crypto?

We do – if you chosen creator allows it. We allow BTC.